I used to, until many, many years ago I made a sandwich without it and couldn't tell the difference. Give it a try and see what I mean.
I don't put it on my pancakes or waffles either, just syrup.
Yes I have marg in the house. I buy President's Choice Celeb that is similar to Becel but cheaper. It's a source of polyunsaturates and omega 3 fats, the ones that are easier on your arteries than saturated and Trans fats. I use the Celeb in baking. I could buy the cheap stuff and save money but I don't want the kids (or me and my husband for that matter) having saturated fats unnecessarily.
Habits are contagious. Since I've never put marg on my sandwiches or toast, the kids don't either. They've never seen me do it, they don't know even know it's an option.
So let's recap. You've cut the sugar from your coffee, replaced the cream with 2% milk and cut the marg from your sandwiches. Isn't this simple?