There is no such thing as instant results. Even Instant Pudding has to be stirred for 2 minutes then chilled. If you are looking for a fast fix on your weight loss journey, forget it. It's the little, day-to-day changes in habits that end up making a difference over time. This blog is about sharing what I do, what I eat and how I stay healthy. Maybe some of the things I do are worth copying. Jump in and share what works for you, I'd love to hear and so would others! God bless. Elaine

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Stop favouring Left

If you are right-handed, do you favour your left side? Do you always start climbing the stairs with your right foot, carry the grocery bag in your right hand, open the door with your right arm, reach your right hand ACROSS your body to pick something up so left doesn't have to?

This type of favourtism makes the right side of your body much stronger than your left and all sorts of muscle imbalances ensue, from the tilt of your shoulders to the way you walk. And swimming straight in the pool is impossible; the pull from that skinny left arm just can't keep up with the right. Muscle imbalances are not a good thing and your body sends you all sorts of aches and pains to let you know it's unhappy.

A big part of maintaining a healthy body is to have a good look at your eating pattern to see if you're favouring one type of food over another. Is your Right always reaching for processed foods, packaged meals, desserts, or snack foods? What have you relegated Left and decided to pass over? Do you never/seldom reach for grains, vegetables, milk?

If you have an eating 'imbalance', I'd hazard a guess that your body is letting you know. Maybe you feel exhausted most of the time, not refreshed after sleeping, short-tempered with the kids or have trouble concentrating. 

We are effected mentally and physically by what we eat because everything in our bodies is integrated. Favouring your left side over your right has consequences for your whole body. And favouring unhealthy foods over healthy foods also has consequences for your whole body. So today, try to balance things out if you can. Your body will thank you.


  1. Excellent analogy!I'm slowly trying to let you motivate me to be healthier. I hope that's a fair thing to do.

  2. You are so worthy, so worthy! It's a great post Elaine! I notice when I don't drink my water and reach for the "easy food"- I don't feel great. When I eat the things that I know my body loves, veggies, protein (cheese especially) and drink my water. I am like Tigger on uppers.

    1. Hey Jenny, Thanks so much for stopping by! So true what you say, it's amazing how eating the 'wrong' things can screw us up so quickly and it's also true how much better we feel when we eat healthy. 'Tigger on uppers' I love it!!! E
