There is no such thing as instant results. Even Instant Pudding has to be stirred for 2 minutes then chilled. If you are looking for a fast fix on your weight loss journey, forget it. It's the little, day-to-day changes in habits that end up making a difference over time. This blog is about sharing what I do, what I eat and how I stay healthy. Maybe some of the things I do are worth copying. Jump in and share what works for you, I'd love to hear and so would others! God bless. Elaine

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Addicted to the Biggest Loser

At the risk of losing all credibility, I'll admit I love watching the Biggest Loser. Every week I cry at least once during the show. I can relate to the amount of effort needed to complete those killer workouts and even some of the emotional trauma the contestants share resonates with me. 

But one thing about Biggest Loser that I find particularly interesting is the anxiety at the weigh-in. It reminds me of a course I took in university about Indonesian cultures, and one particular culture had a number of rituals it would perform AFTER the harvest in the belief that the corn would multiply while in storage.

Sure, for some people a free ride through life seems to be their burden but for the rest of us, the majority of us, we get out of life what we put into it. Working hard toward a particular goal usually brings you closer to that goal. And if losing weight or getting in shape or turning toward healthy living is your goal, you have to put some work into it to get there. It takes effort. It takes changing some of your habits. It takes adding some things (exercise) and removing others (3 hrs of tv a week). 

If you do the work, have faith that the results will follow. Those contestants are anxious at the weigh-in because they haven't done the work. They are trying to increase their harvest without working the field. 


  1. Thank you for your support, Elaine! the Biggest Loser was the vehicle that helped me save my life! I can't imagine weighing 127 at 5'10", which I am. Right now I am two of you and hope to get under personal goal.
    You inspire me...I will not be running with Post Polio, but I can swim and walk...I love the spin bike too.
    Any words of wisdom from an amazing woman who walks the walk would be appreciated.
    I appreciate your following my story.
    Have a blessed week and hug your beautiful children everyday, they are your blessing!
    Gail Lee BL13

    1. Gail, I'm so honoured that you dropped, you're such a celebrity in my books! You, my dear, are an inspiration to so many. What you do every day shows so many people that they have nothing to be afraid of, it's just a matter of standing up and taking that first step. I have so much respect for you, I'm honoured that you've made time for me and I'll always be cheering you on. God bless, He's with you every step of the way. Love E
