Oh dear.
Do you also want to get a university degree without studying, writing exams or paying tuition? Have a ton of money without working? (oop, that's me....). Want perfectly behaved children and a serene marriage?
While you wait for Nirvana when all those good things will come true without you lifting a finger, here are a few tips you can implement today to help you along on your weight loss journey. Because the reality is, a healthy weight and healthy life style does take a little bit of effort and discipline but the Earthly rewards make it all worthwhile.
12 Ways to Lose Weight Today
- write down everything you eat. EVERYTHING. You're going to look at this list at the end of the day and if it's as long as your arm and full of things like chips and pop and natchos and cake then geepers creepers, Lesson Learned.
- mark your calendar. This is Day 1 of your journey toward choosing healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle. You need to know your start date so you can celebrate your anniversary dates later.
- IF you have dessert, have it earlier in the day and not late at night before you go to bed.
- tell 2 people that you're taking action to improve your eating habits and health habits and tell them you're going to report in to them on a regular basis whether they like it or not. You need to be accountable to someone, they're your support team!
- drink a big glass of water before each meal, even breakfast if you can manage. The water will help fill you up so you eat less.
- take the stairs. And don't use the handrail unless you absolutely have to.
- get off the bus before your stop and do some extra walking.
- go whole wheat. Whole wheat bread, whole wheat rolls, whole wheat crackers. No more white bread allowed, even the "fortified" stuff.
- stop adding salt to your meals. If you're accustomed to putting salt on everything, stop cold turkey. Everything will taste awful for a little while but you'll be amazed at how quickly you adjust.
- don't butter your bread or your toast or your rolls. You won't miss it, I promise.
- add cinnamon where you can. Sprinkle it on your cereal, add a smidge to your coffee, get creative. Cinnamon is making the news these days for all the right reason so it's a good time to up our intact of this ancient spice.
- lastly, buy one healthy item at the grocery store that you haven't bought before and DON'T buy one unhealthy item that you usually buy e.g. buy some snow peas if you've never tried them before and leave the Doritos on the shelf.